Monday, February 27, 2017

Today is a new day.

Omg. I did it. I quit my job. Never in my life have a quit a job before. I've let my time expire, I've called out and eventually not gone back, I've even escaped on maternity leave. But never have I written a resignation letter before. ... and it broke my heart. As crazy as the last two years have been, walking away from my job was a challenge. Because as I always say, my job was hard work, but it was mostly heart work. I believe so much in what our company is doing, and I truly want the mission to succeed and reach every child every day.

So why quit? Because for the first time in my life,. It's time now to make time for myself, and the 4 M's....

  • It's time to reconnect with my almost ten year old (double digits... ahhhh!) as she enters this awkward preteen phase, and from what I'm noticing, needs her Mommy even more now than she did as an independent toddler. 
  • It's time to spend time with my five year old, who so desperately wants to learn to read and working with her is more important than stressing over emails, calendars, and babysitting schedules. (And if I have to have one more hysterical crying child FaceTime call, it was going to push me over the edge.
  • It's time to connect with my husband..... as my husband... not just the person who takes care of the girls while I'm away. As hard as it is to admit, there have been weeks that went by recently where our only conversations revolve around who did what or needs to do what when with the girls, but I haven't even asked him about his day. That needs to change.
  • And equally as important, I need to take care of myself. Something I have not been doing at all.  I've been making everyone else in the world a priority, it wasn't until I was working one day, and my resting heart rate was double what it should be while I was in a ball of sweat in the hallway wondering how I was going to make it through the afternoon that I decided to admit I needed help. That something was just not right. The more I investigated and the more Drs I went to, the more clear it became that my lifestyle and my health were not a match. 
So I had to make the toughest decision of my life. And now here I am, sitting on my family room floor, making plans and wish lists of all the things I want to do. Starting with heading outside for a walk on this sunny morning, so I'll catch you all later..... Wish me luck!