Saturday, January 12, 2013

Just Do It!

Ok. It's time. I've been sitting here for days stressing over what to write in the first blog post when I finally decided to JUST DO IT!! With so many ideas for future posts swirling around my head, I have to start getting them out so I can sleep! So here goes...

Blogging is something I never thought I would do. My friend Sheri has a blog, it's awesome. Every time she posts it's the highlight of my day... heck, sometimes of my week! She has this fabulous way with words that makes me laugh, makes me think, and at the same time assures me that there is someone else out there who is dealing with the same things as me. I do not have the same way with words that she does and would never claim to be as awesome as she is. 

So why start? Well, every time I am talking to someone about a project I am working on, or an idea I have in my head, they say "Where did you come up with that?" or "What would even make you think of that?" or "Can you share with me how you..." I finally decided I should just put those things out there for everyone. There have to be other crafty/Mommy/teachers out there who want to know the same things I do. I mean, every time I pin something on Pinterest a million other people "re-pin" it, so I must have something in common with the rest of the world. ;) 

My goal is not to become a rich and famous blogger.... but if I can get the ideas that are swirling in my head all the time out on "paper" and help other people who are feeling over inspired to try out some of their ideas, mission accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. What you need to blog about is where you get the energy to do all this! ;-)I would love to do all these crafty ideas but I am overwhelmed by the urge to sleep instead! lol Where does your energy come from and can you share the wealth! ;-)
