Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One Of My Favorite Cooking Tricks....

Cooking is really not my thing. Give me a sewing machine, a Silhouette machine, a can of paint.... I can create anything. But in the kitchen, it's another story. I fumble around and try my best to make my way, but I'm certainly no Rachel Ray. 

A few months back I stumbled upon this trick to make your own Taco Shells. I think it's soooo smart and so easy I had to share it. All you do is use any tortilla wrappers you have around, spray them with cooking spray, and hang them over the rack in your oven, like this:

 I like to put mine over two sections so that they stand up on the plate and I can really fill them up! In about 4-8 minutes (depending on the size of them and if they are whole wheat, corn, or flour tortillas) they are crispy and ready to fill! I love that I can make any kind I want, since when have you ever heard of a Whole Wheat Taco Shell? ;) 

Here's how mine turned out, they are whole wheat tortillas. 

Fill them with your favorite taco meat & fillings. I served them with Weight Watchers Mexican Sloppy Joes (minus the tortilla bowls, obviously.) Not my favorite recipe, it definitely needs something, but it's ok.  The shells steal the show anyway, in my opinion. :)

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